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2023 Turkey


Izmir, Istanbul



I was looking for a destination that offered the chance to capture different types of photographs, showcasing various cultures and mindsets. I chose to fly to Izmir, spend a week there exploring the coast to the east, and then take a road trip to Istanbul for a few days.

Turkey was a culture shock for me. People seemed either very interested in tourists or just curious about me walking around with a camera. It's hard to say which. One thing I noticed is that people in Turkey don’t look away after just a second, they’ll keep staring as long as they like. This made capturing candid, unnoticed photographs a challenge, but it added a layer of authenticity to my experience.

In the end, I was glad I started in Izmir. It allowed me to get a feel for Turkey without all the tourist traps I later encountered in Istanbul. I could observe daily life, how people interacted, and how religion shaped their daily routines.

Istanbul, on the other hand, felt more like any large European city, especially in the center where tourists far outnumbered locals. It was a different vibe - everyone spoke English, authentic dishes were harder to find, prices were higher, and fashion seemed to take precedence. The deep cultural immersion I experienced in Izmir faded in Istanbul.

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